August 24, 2018
Hope 2 (Answers series)
August 26, 2018
August 24, 2018
Hope 2 (Answers series)
August 26, 2018
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Answers Matthew 24

Why do we need signs?  (Warn, Direct, Remind)

What 3 Questions are asked to Jesus?

1 When shall ………………….

2 What is the sign of thy ………………………..

3 What is the sign of the end of the ……………………………………

What 3 signs were discussed today?

1 V 4

2 V 5

3 V 6

What does this mean to me?

It gives us a ………………………….. Hope

It gives us a …………………………. Hope

It gives us a …………………………. Hope

It gives us a …………………………  Hope